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1955-D 1C RPM006

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  • Shleppodella1
    Shleppodella 1
    • May 2024
    • 1000

    1955-D 1C RPM006

    I've been working on that lighting issue so hopefully this is #006 with the lower split sherif of the "D".
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  • MintErrors
    • Jun 2015
    • 3668

    Is this Welxer, Coppercoins, Crawford VarietyVista or CONECA?
    Three helpful posts:
    How to take better photos with a Cellphone:

    Gary Kozera
    Website: https://MintErrors.org


    • Shleppodella1
      Shleppodella 1
      • May 2024
      • 1000

      Both Varietyvista.com and coppercoins.com #6 looks closest with that lower split sherif.
      Sorry about that.


      • MintErrors
        • Jun 2015
        • 3668

        In my opinion, the position of the mint mark looks close, via a quick look. I am not seeing the extra bit in the center of the mint mark that is present on the varietyvista example. Additionally, if you look at the Varietyvista example there is a small section of a lesser punch to the top of the primary mintmark.

        Yours looks clear. This one might be on coppercoins. Doubleddie.com seems to do the "best of" series for the 1950s.
        Last edited by MintErrors; 02-24-2025, 08:53 AM.
        Three helpful posts:
        How to take better photos with a Cellphone:

        Gary Kozera
        Website: https://MintErrors.org


        • eaxtellcoin
          RPM Dealer Specialist
          • Feb 2008
          • 828

          The position of the primary mintmark is to far North and East to be RPM006 Coneca. I cannot see the lower serif - That would help to see, if the question more about the verticle bar to the West and a lower split serif? I don't see a match on CC.

          One other question I have for markers: Is this a BU coin? Reason - circ coins are very hard to verify on marker's. Multiple copies of BU coins helps solidify a new RPM if there are multiple copies.


          • MintErrors
            • Jun 2015
            • 3668


            Is it me, or is this photo a touch out of focus ? Yeah, I do have my reading glasses on and they (the glasses) have been cleaned.

            I use a tablet a lot to look over the coins because it gives me the ability to zoom reall close in. The bad side of this is, if it is out focus just a tad, it pixelates and i cannot get a good look at the coin.

            I will see if i can find 1955 D RPM 006 in storage this week. I will attempt to take a photo of it. Then, compare the two photos. If I dont have 006, I will grab a relatively close split serif RPM of 1955 D.
            Three helpful posts:
            How to take better photos with a Cellphone:

            Gary Kozera
            Website: https://MintErrors.org


            • eaxtellcoin
              RPM Dealer Specialist
              • Feb 2008
              • 828

              Yep Gary, it's a bit out of focus.. Plus it isn't turned easy to overlay against other listings..
              This is what my question was before - The blue arrow in the photo is MD or machine damage. The white arrow is the question I had.



              • MintErrors
                • Jun 2015
                • 3668


                Rather than clutter this post and help educate one, I decided to do a post about this on my website. Here is the link. The photographs of the mint marks are near the bottom of the post. I hope it makes sense.

                Last edited by MintErrors; 02-26-2025, 11:43 AM.
                Three helpful posts:
                How to take better photos with a Cellphone:

                Gary Kozera
                Website: https://MintErrors.org


                • Shleppodella1
                  Shleppodella 1
                  • May 2024
                  • 1000

                  isn't were the blue arrows are what im supposed to be looking for in a RPM?


                  • eaxtellcoin
                    RPM Dealer Specialist
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 828

                    Evening, that's why I asked for a photo of the lower split serif. I cannot see anything of the lower serif in your photo. What I see above the blue arrow looks more like MD. we need something lighter with the serifs we can see.. It could also have a split serif, along with MD. That's why photo's are so important.

