Instead of the typical 'earlobe' doubling - this extra bit of ear happens to be at the back of the ear. It does not appear to be Mechanical/Strike doubling (aka MD). But I'm not sure if there is enough of anything there to prove one way or another whether it is a die dent, gouge, or a DDO - not with my equipment anyway. I'll leave the DDO (or not) call to the pros on this one.
Other recent 'State Quarter' finds (all yet to be attributed)...
A 2004 P Michigan 25c doubled earlobe

A 2007 P Idaho 25c minor doubled earlobe

A 2006 P Colorado 25c doubled earlobe

A 2008 P Hawaii 25c minor doubled earlobe

Until the 'State Quarter' program came along - there was not much cause to search bank rolls of Washington quarters (post 64). Now there are lots of little die varieties to find (and a few are actually pretty decent varieties).