Thank you ahead of time.
Evening, I can see both serifs so yes this is an RPM. Problem is: because it's a circ markers are iffy to non existent. The coin in this shape will be hard to verify to any listed RPM's and I don't think because of that it would be list able.. I would try and do an overlay yourself. See if the position matches any of the CC listings. It's a nice find to just have a 1979-D RPM. Eric
Thank you eaxtellcoin. Appreciate your diagnosis, very excited since this is my first RPM! I will try to do an overlay when I get a chance. I am going through some circulated change collected by the father and organizing and filling holes in books as a keepsake for a 10 year old who's father died from a gunshot as an innocent bystander. I will put this in a 2x2 and in 50 years....hopefully with any luck he will have a nice little nest egg! Here is a pic of the only matching die marker.Attached FilesLast edited by considine; 04-26-2022, 10:34 AM.
Originally posted by considine View PostThank you DoubleYou and mustbebob for your responses. Very happy to hear mustbebob's assessment esp since 1979D-1MM-003 are his photos on I plan on trying to overlay on to see if the dates match up with these photos.
The photo showing the lower split serif is a broken punch.....
Can we get some good lighting and a photo of the upper Serif? Whe I look at 1-MM-003, I think there us a slight separation line to the northern side of that mintmark, making the upper serif area appear very wide.
Hummm I don't know if I have this one. IF I do, it would be in the storage locker. If I remember to look for it this coming weekend, I will snap a photo of it.
Gary Kozera
Thank you for the advice MintErrorsHere are my pics at 90Degrees. Having trouble with overlay but will keep trying. Hope this picture of the MM is good enough. I went to and was able to create this picture. Interesting....I think it looks good but not really sure. Thank you to coppercoins and Bob Piazza for the image.
Last edited by considine; 04-29-2022, 01:42 PM.
Originally posted by considine View PostThank you for the advice MintErrorsHere are my pics at 90Degrees. Having trouble with overlay but will keep trying. Hope this picture of the MM is good enough. I went to and was able to create this picture. Interesting....I think it looks good but not really sure. Thank you to coppercoins and Bob Piazza for the image.
Here is my offering... The photo sizes are a bit off, but it does look promising.Congrats ! One down, 100's to go = )
Gary Kozera