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CONECA (pronounced: CŌ´NECA) is a national numismatic organization devoted to the education of error and variety coin collectors. CONECA focuses on many error and variety specialties, including doubled dies, Repunched mintmarks, multiple errors, clips, double strikes, off-metals and off-centers—just to name a few. In addition to its website, CONECA publishes an educational journal, The Errorscope, which is printed and mailed to members bimonthly. CONECA offers a lending library, examination, listing and attribution services; it holds annual meetings at major conventions (referred to as Errorama) around the country.

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1969-D Lincoln Cent CONECA RPM - 008

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  • MintErrors
    • Jun 2015
    • 3592

    1969-D Lincoln Cent CONECA RPM - 008

    Again, In my opinion, I see a bit of discrepancy... is this one a D/D/D as well ?
    Mr. Wiles and variety vista have it as a D/D. maybe it was the example they had, and it was not clear enough.

    1969-D CONECA RPM-008 -00001 x4.jpg

    1969-D CONECA RPM-008 -00001b x4.jpg

    1969-D CONECA RPM-008 Obv.jpg

    1969-D CONECA RPM-008 Rev.jpg
    Gary Kozera
    Website: https://MintErrors.org
  • occnumis2021
    • May 2021
    • 1438

    it could also be the time period it was "discovered." from my communications with jw over the years, my understanding is that when it says unkonwn discoverer/reporter...

    i do see the d/d/d from the images on his page. it could just also be an unintentional omission of another /d. you can probably message him and get it straightened out. it is obviously d/d/d. nice find.
    coinfacts.com - conecaonline.info - board.conecaonline.org/forum/numismatic-site-links - briansvarietycoins.com - coppercoins.com - cuds-on-coins.com - doubleddie.com - error-ref.com - franklinlover.yolasite.com - ikegroup.info -lincolncentresource.com - maddieclashes.com - money.org - ngccoin.com/price-guide/world - ngccoin.com/census - ngccoin.com/resources/counterfeit-detection - nnp.wustl.edu - pcgs.com/pop - pcgs.com/coinfacts - pcgs.com/photograde - varietyvista.com - vamworld.com


    • eaxtellcoin
      RPM Dealer Specialist
      • Feb 2008
      • 807

      Morning Gary,
      I have three die states of this variety. Of the 3 only 1 shows the center serif easily. The best option hear is to update the listing with a D/D/D but it will also require an update of the stage and photo which may not always show the seperation of the serif, on every coin because of die flow. Your wanting precise, man I competely get it. it just may not be that easy - esp to photograph and define state..


      • Petespockets55
        • Aug 2021
        • 369

        Originally posted by occnumis2021 View Post
        ... i do see the d/d/d from the images on his page. ...
        I agree completely. Fairly easy to see multiple splits on the serifs.

        The little "bump out" at 9:00 on the curve of the MM and some of the shadows made me wonder if that might be a repunch as well.
        Here's Gary's image with my attempt at showing where the D might be visible.


        • eaxtellcoin
          RPM Dealer Specialist
          • Feb 2008
          • 807

          Hey Pete, Nice to see you on the forum... I think that is a discolored spot on his coin.

          The only copy I have with a center split serif is a EMDS coin. Those pull lines you see in his photograph including the two parallel die scratches between the TY of Liberty only show on this die state. My other two coins are later die state and don't have the scratches like these photo's or the extra serif becomes more ""Filled"" in.
          Last edited by eaxtellcoin; 04-30-2023, 09:26 PM.


          • Petespockets55
            • Aug 2021
            • 369

            Originally posted by eaxtellcoin View Post
            Hey Pete, Nice to see you on the forum... I think that is a discolored spot on his coin.

            The only copy I have with a center split serif is a EMDS coin. Those pull lines you see in his photograph including the two parallel die scratches between the TY of Liberty only show on this die state. My other two coins are later die state and don't have the scratches like these photo's or the extra serif becomes more ""Filled"" in.
            Thanks for the greeting Eric and insight.
            And thanks for adding that info. I saw the bump and thought it may be a "horn" that has been used to describe some RPM's. Your later examples without them put that thought to rest.

            It's always helpful when someone with such an extensive collection and knowledge adds information and helps to clarify a thought or visual anomaly.
            This CONECA forum is where collectors can come for some excellent guidance and information.


            • MintErrors
              • Jun 2015
              • 3592

              Originally posted by eaxtellcoin View Post
              Morning Gary,
              I have three die states of this variety. Of the 3 only 1 shows the center serif easily. The best option hear is to update the listing with a D/D/D but it will also require an update of the stage and photo which may not always show the seperation of the serif, on every coin because of die flow. Your wanting precise, man I competely get it. it just may not be that easy - esp to photograph and define state..

              Best I can do and find with this example, as of right now. Here are some additional photos of some areas on the obverse and reverse:

              1969-D CONECA RPM-008 -00001 x4- pup1.jpg 1969-D CONECA RPM-008 -00001 x4- pup2.jpg 1969-D CONECA RPM-008 -00001 x4- pup3.jpg 1969-D CONECA RPM-008 -00001 x4- pup4.jpg 1969-D CONECA RPM-008 -00001 x4- pup5.jpg
              Gary Kozera
              Website: https://MintErrors.org


              • Ronald
                • Aug 2022
                • 369

                Excellence, is a rare commodity. Thank you all for bringing the depth of it when it is much needed.

