Colgate- Palmolive token from the early 1900's
Colgate- Palmolive token from the early 1900's
Hey guys!! I don't know if you guys are interested in token's but I thought I would share this very rare one. My mom wrote them a letter in 1979 asking for more information about it and they wrote her back. I have this letter and the token and thought it would be neat to share. I don't know the value or anything just thought it was a nice piece of history. KIMG0149.JPG KIMG0147.JPG KIMG0148.JPG KIMG0148.JPGTags: None
Your very welcome!!! My mom took a piece of paper and a pencil to get the rubbing or (frottage) of the token so she wouldn't have to send the actual token itself. It's been hidden away since just recently. I never even knew she had it. I'm thinking of sending it to PCGS to be put in a holder and sold through great collections auction . She needs money and would be willing to part with it if is valuable.
Unfortunately, there were plenty of these token made and there are a lot for sale in auctions. I found an auction of 41 of them on eBay where the prices ranged from 99 cents to $31.50. What makes yours special is the letter from Colgate Palmolive. I don't think you would ever recoup the costs of sending it in to get holdered.Bob Piazza
Lincoln Cent Attributer
This is cool. These old tokens can be fun and are collected often by people who collect type items made by that manufacturer. I also collect beverage cans, and focus on Dr Pepper, and have thus picked up some old Dr Pepper tokens.Jason Cuvelier
Lead attributer